或る忠告 [Aru chūkoku] by Osamu Dazai 
English Translation

„The daily life of a writer inevitably reflects in their works. One cannot disguise it. It is impossible to write a better work than the life one leads. A diluted life leads to mediocre works. Are you really so happy that you now seem to have been admitted to the ranks of ‚literati‘? If you wear a judge’s wig and say, ‚Today’s young people know nothing about grammar, and that’s appalling,‘ I could vomit. Are you really so happy to be called ‚Sensei‘? Even fortune tellers are called ‚Sensei.‘ Are you really so happy to be treated as a celebrity by society and receive invitations to film screenings and sumo matches? It seems that you’ve earned some money recently, but does that really make you so happy? There are many other ways to be treated as a respected person without writing novels. Especially money can be earned in many different ways.

Is it the pursuit of fame and success? What happened to the resolute desire you had when you started writing novels? It’s pathetic. You’re so pretentious. Do you really think you’ve written something? According to the critics, your inner world is now clear as crystal, haha. Familial happiness? You’re not the only one who has a wife and children. You are really shameless. Your complexion has significantly brightened recently. Apparently, you’re now reading ‚Man’yōshū.‘ Stop fooling your readers so much. If you continue to mock people so arrogantly, I will expose everything. Do you really think I don’t see this? The responsibility is great. Don’t you understand that? Every day, the responsibility grows. Let us suffer seriously. Let us earnestly try to live upright lives. The plan for tomorrow’s life is less important than today’s passionate dedication. Think of the people on the front lines. Honesty is a virtue at all times. One cannot disguise it. The firm resolution for tomorrow is less important than today’s simple dedication. Your responsibility is great.“

A poet said this to me when he visited my home. He was not drunk.

(Published 2012)